Sts. Joachim and Anne (Feast Day – July 26)


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St. Anne and Joachim are the parents of the Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus Christ. St. Joachim was a retired priest or holy man who was married to St Anne. St. Anne was of King David’s house and line. St. Anne was born in Bethlehem and her name is derived from Hannah, which means ‘grace’.

Sts. Joachim and Anne had been married for 20 years, but had not children. St Joachim pleaded with God to send them a child. After a period of fasting and prayer, an angel appeared to St Joachim and told him that his wife would give birth to a child whom they should call Mary and dedicate to God.

St. Joachim is the Patron Saint of fathers, grandfathers, grandparents, married couples, cabinet makers and linen traders.

St. Anne is the patron saint of Christian mothers and of women in labor.

Prayer –
Parents of Mary, pray for all parents that they may provide the loving home and faithful teaching that you provided your daughter. Amen

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