St. Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr was an English Saint. He was the Chancellor of England and also a good friend of King Henry II
The King nominated Thomas to be the Archbishop of Canterbury but he soon found out that his friend was a man of integrity who served God first.
In a fit of rage over the Archbishop’s opposition to his plans, he shouted who will rid me of this turbulent priest.
Four of his knights took these words literally and killed the archbishop in his own Cathedral.
Let’s pray today that our bishops may have the integrity and courage of Saint Thomas Becket and guide and defend the teachings of the Church.
Prayer to St. Thomas Becket
Great Saint Thomas, Bishop, Priest, Martyr, and sacrificial lamb for the Faith, pray for us.
You who were a fearless Shepherd of the people of God, pray for us to have courage in all the circumstances of our lives, to living according to the light that your example gives to our consciences. May we be faithful unto death, as you were. May we always seek God’s Holy will in our lives.
Saint Thomas, many were brought to you for healing both in your lifetime and especially after your martyrdom, please hear and accept my prayers for my loved ones.
St Thomas pray for us that in Him, and With Him, we may live and move and have our being.