Questions on the Sacrament of Matrimony answered


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Many people have questions on the sacrament of matrimony like why do we have to have a Catholic wedding?  Why does it take so long to get married in the Church? Why does the Church insist we have children? These questions and more are answered in this edition of “Sacraments 101,” a web video series geared for those who’d like an introduction or refresher course on these important, tangible Catholic experiences of God.

“Mistrust and skepticism has led our culture to disregard the marriage covenant between a man and a woman, that covenant which deepens communion and safeguards the dignity of their uniqueness. When the stable and fruitful covenant between a man and a woman is devalued by society, it is a loss for everyone, especially the young.” – Pope Francis

To view more posts on marriage and family visit here –Marriage & Family

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